Emerging Impact Measurement Systems Resources
I recently hosted an online event for Social Innovation Canada’s Social R&D Community of Practice about Emerging Impact Measurement Systems. I’m excited to share the video, presentation slides and resource package with you. As always, feel free to reach out and I’m happy to add additional resources.
As focus turned to implementing programs and services to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, there has been increased focus on how the purpose-driven sector can measure these ambitious objectives. Global and national leaders in impact measurement have gathered, convened, and are proposing new collaborations and possible solutions; with these resources, I am hoping to provide you with an overview of some of those initiatives as they relate specifically to the emerging practice of Social R&D.
Video from the online presentation of Emerging Impact Measurement Systems
Presentation slides & resource package from Emerging Impact Measurement Systems
The presentation slides provide you with a basic overview of emerging Social Impact Measurement – of which, worldwide, there are currently over 45 of these frameworks.
It also gives you a quick look Common Approach to Impact Measurement and their five essential practices that help integrate impact measurement into your purpose driven organization. We also discuss how to begin thinking about protecting social impact data and how to comply with global privacy laws.
Our resource package accompanies our online presentation to provide you with some general resources and further reading about Social Impact Measurement and Emerging Impact Measurement Systems.
I hope that you find these resources useful.
If you want to geek out about measurement, you can always reach out to me to book a virtual coffee.